God’s Silence in Ecclesiastes

The  difference  between  philosophy  and  religion  is  the  difference between speaking and listening,  between man’s speaking about God and God’s  speaking about man with man listening. This is  the difference between reason and faith.  Philosophy is man’s search for God; the Bible is the story of God’s search for man. Philosophy is words flying up; the Bible is the Word sent down. Ecclesiastes is the only book in the Bible in which God is  totally  silent.  The  author  appeals  to  no  divine  revelation, only  to  natural  human  reason  and  sense  observation.  God  is only the object of his quest, not the subject; the questee, not the quester,  the  Hound  of Heaven.

Peter Kreeft, Three Philosophies of Life: Ecclesiastes, Life As Vanity Job, Life As Suffering Song of Songs, Life As Love

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